Friday, April 24, 2009

Defending Your Life (1991)

Defending Your Life (1991)

Happy Birthday to Shirley MacLaine who had a hilarious cameo in this very funny and thought-provoking Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep comedy which Linda and I saw when it first came out and she was due to deliver Peter so we went out to hot and spicy Thai food which was supposed to help induce labor but didn't work although it was delicious and the movie afterwards was very good. So here it is 17 years plus 9 months later and it's Shirley's birthday and Peter has landed in Israel. So see the movie, eat some Thai food, and remember, if the only thing we have to fear is fear itself then we better get our fears in order unless we want to be like Albert Brooks' character who was bought his Beamer before MP3s came out and had to face all his fears before he could finish this sentence.

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