May Sarton:
... without darkness
Nothing comes to birth,
As without light
Nothing flowers.
You may have heard about
The closing credits are done over a dance in a train station which is supposed to be a homage to Bollywood movies of which this movie is not. Since I've never seen a Bollywood movie, I had no idea and just thought it was an expression of incredible joy by the characters for having survived. Listen carefully to the closing song, especially the very last word.
The character, Jamal, and his brother are clearly Muslim in the movie which makes a huge difference in the story. An internet page said the book makes the characters more "everyman" and not distinctly one religion or another. I couldn't find out if the actors are Muslim although the name of one of the children who plays a younger Jamal is probably a Muslim name unless the name Mohammed has crossed over into Hindu territory. What is especially interesting to me is finally finding out what the hell happened to Bombay.
Quiz Show (1994)
Great movie with both Bobby Darin and Lyle Lovett standing in for Bertolt Brecht. John Turturro is always good. One of the characters makes a statement about Harvard having an admission quota for Jews. I seem to remember Dad saying that, too. Is that right or am I thinking of something else.
Next time you wonder where the entertainment value is in game shows that ask simple questions think of this quote from the movie, "difficulty of question not the issue, the size of the money is what the public wants to see."
Thanks to Youtube, you can watch the original with the real Herb Stemple. He gets asked what was the fate of King Henry's wives. He answers,"They died."
Married Life (2007)
Very fun comedy, romance, suspense. Well acted and directed. Also! Alternate endings! Just like Choose Your Own Adventure books.
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