Friday, July 17, 2009

Guilt and Rebirth

Guilt and Rebirth

The Visitor (2007/I)

The visitors in this very thoughtful and musically-insightful film may not be the ones who are there illegally. Richard Jenkins goes to his Greenwich Village apartment and finds it occupied by two illegal immigrants. The guilt that each character takes on for different reasons (especially the mother later on) and the process of each one finding a purpose in life makes for a lovely film. The musical theme is essential to the rebirthing theme.

JungfrukÀllan (1960)
 aka "The Virgin Spring"

Ingmar Bergman (who shares a birthdate, tomorrow, July 14, with Woody Guthrie; also Bastille Day). Great movie. Guilt and rebirth: savage violence and sweet redemption (not for all since the foster daughter gets left out of any redemption, sadly, although her guilt in the murder may have been too great.

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