Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Before Sunset, Godfather I, II, III

Before Sunset

Beautiful sequel to Before Sunrise. I started crying within the first minute. Well, not real crying. Manly crying, you know, where there's just a little dampness in the eyes. Still, the way they flashed back to the first movie and then how it became clear that things weren't what we thought made the opening very emotional (in a manly sense). The scene in the coffee shop was good. Watching the people in the background was fun.

I wish it had ended differently, but still a very worthwhile movie. It impressed me with how nice French people are. I had no idea. But then they did treat our paterfamila nicely, as well as the rest of the family that could make it over there for the festivities.

Shakespeare & Co Bookshop Paris, France

Godfather I, II, III

Well, we made it through all three. You'll be glad to know there's good news. Yes, the Al Pacino godfather finally quits smoking by the third installment. I hope that isn't going to ruin the surprise for anyone. He also quits killing people, maybe, but in the end it's really just a very long movie about regrets.

Best of Sicily - Road Map of Sicily

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