Sunday, February 3, 2008

Gangster Story.

OK, Linda is working, Peter's out with two very nice girls, Alan is doing is homework, and the Super Bowl is on. Wow. Can't get any better except watching paint dry. Football has to be the strangest excuse for a sport. Rugby. There's a sport. Last year's Super Bowl was actually an exciting cliffhanger waiting to see if an African-American coach would win the game.

Fortunately, I had the sense to have ordered Gangster Story from Blockbuster. No one else would watch it since it was black and white and short. But it has Walter Matthau which is why I had ordered it. It is so bad it's great. Plus, watching Walter Matthau as a young man is worth it. Also, he directed it and since I had watched a string of Catholic directors so figured I should give a Jew chance. There's a fascinating character early in the movie named Raikin Ben-Ari. All his bio says is that he was born in Russia and died in Russia. In searching the Net for him I found a listing for book on Hebrew dance by the same name. No other info.

The music for this movie is interesting. Much better than the acting and dialogue. Matthau loved classical music and he got a chance to show it here. The co-star is Carol Grace who was his real-life wife.

In an odd coincidence, the movie was filmed in Orange County, CA, which now has the highest concentration of Republicans in the country. Also, a movie by that name came out a few years ago. Linda and I wanted to see a matinee so we chose Orange County. It's still the worst movie I've ever seen--except for Blair Witch Project.

I'm going to watch Gangster Story again. Anytime the Super Bowl is on.

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